Dr. Harold Edgerton: Abstractions exhibit at Michael Hoppen Gallery

The Michael Hoppen Gallery in London showcased the work of Harold “Doc” Edgerton from June 6 to August 2, 2014 and articles about of Doc’s work were carried in The Guardian, The Independent, and Wired Magazine.

The Independent: Portfolio: Nebraskan-born engineer Dr Harold Edgerton photographed motion that was too fast to be captured with traditional methods

Dr Harold Edgerton led the sort of life that lends itself to a Hollywood biopic. During his illustrious career the MIT professor, who died in 1990 at the age of 86, made advances in night aerial photography that was used during the Second World War, photographed nuclear testing in the 1950s and 1960s, and used radar to help illuminate the ocean floors for Jacques Cousteau.

The GuardianDr Strobe: the man who stopped time and electrified photography – in pictures

If you could stop time, here is what you might see: a bullet being shot through an apple, an egg being cracked into a fan, or a play-by-play of Pancho Gonzales’s famous serve. MIT professor Harold Edgerton invented the strobe flash in the 1930s – and his stroboscopic photography captured amazing moments that would otherwise be missed in the blink of an eye

WiredHow the inventor of strobe photography gave D-Day the go-ahead

How do you convince a World War Two pilot to take an aerial photo rather than drop a bomb? You demonstrate the powerful flash they will be using by sunburning a tattoo onto their chests of course — preferably a tattoo of their girlfriend’s name.

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