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Articles and Videos: 35

Science Friday Picture of the Week: Milk Drop

Mapping the Charles River with Doc

Seeing the Unseen [VIDEO]

Mediterranean Sonar Research with Cousteau [VIDEO]

Underwater Photography - MIT Science Reporter TV [VIDEO]

Rift Valley Expedition on R/V AKADEMIK KURCHATOV [VIDEO]

High Speed Photography: National Geographic Society Lecture (C) [VIDEO]

Edgerton Demonstrates Stroboscopic and High-Speed Photography [VIDEO]

Spray Mechanism of African Bombardier Beetles [VIDEO]

Photographic Instrumentation Under the Sea [VIDEO]

High-Speed Motion Pictures With Stroboscopic Light [VIDEO]

Edgerton Short Subjects and Testing Sonar Equipment [VIDEO]

Golf Players on the Green [VIDEO]

Flash Photography Set-Up and Demonstrations: Film Takes [VIDEO]

Submersibles and Bathyscaphes in the Mediterranean Sea [VIDEO]

A.E.C. Operation Redwing. EG&G Participation in Off-Continent Nuclear Tests [VIDEO]

Doc at San Severo, Italy 1943-1944

Recent Web Links: Doc Edgerton Today!

Additional Reading – Bibliography

Doc, Bats and Rattlesnakes in the 1930s and ’40s

Multi-Flash Fencing at MIT

Memories of My Senior Thesis Advisor, Doc Edgerton

Doc’s “Family” of Students in the 1960s

Photographing Transatlantic Cables With Doc in the 1960s

Doc’s Strobe Lights on Boston’s Prudential Tower

Midwestern Boy: 1903 – 1926

Reading List

Doc’s Legacy at EG&G: Global Environmental & Oceanographic Systems


Drops & Splashes

Seeing in the Dark

Aerial Reconnaissance


Underwater sonar acoustics

Shipwreck Studies


Additional Reading
