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Articles and Videos: 35

High Speed Camera

Science Friday Picture of the Week: Milk Drop

Mapping the Charles River with Doc

Seeing the Unseen [VIDEO]

MIT Presents High Speed Motion Pictures Taken with Stroboscopic Lights [VIDEO]

Mediterranean Sonar Research with Cousteau [VIDEO]

Underwater Photography - MIT Science Reporter TV [VIDEO]

Rift Valley Expedition on R/V AKADEMIK KURCHATOV [VIDEO]

High Speed Photography: National Geographic Society Lecture (C) [VIDEO]

Edgerton Demonstrates Stroboscopic and High-Speed Photography [VIDEO]

Underwater Elapsed Time Motion Picture [VIDEO]

Photographic Instrumentation Under the Sea [VIDEO]

High-Speed Motion Pictures With Stroboscopic Light [VIDEO]

Edgerton Short Subjects and Testing Sonar Equipment [VIDEO]

USS MONITOR Shipwreck Project [VIDEO]

Takes for "The Invisible World" [VIDEO]

Golf Players on the Green [VIDEO]

Flash Photography Set-Up and Demonstrations: Film Takes [VIDEO]

Submersibles and Bathyscaphes in the Mediterranean Sea [VIDEO]

Photography of Microcirculation of the Blood [VIDEO]

A.E.C. Operation Redwing. EG&G Participation in Off-Continent Nuclear Tests [VIDEO]

Remembering ‘Papa Flash’

Doc at San Severo, Italy 1943-1944

Doc, Bats and Rattlesnakes in the 1930s and ’40s

Featured Articles:

Photographing Transatlantic Cables With Doc in the 1960s

Exploding Pingers and Dinner Parties: Doc in the 1950s



Drops & Splashes

Seeing in the Dark

Drawing of Strobes on Under Water Vehicle (Bathyscaphe)

1939 World’s Fair in New York City


Underwater Photography

Cousteau Collaborations

Underwater Vehicles

Akademik Kurchatov

Marine Biology

Shipwreck Studies

Nighttime Photography

Strobe in Industry: 1931 – onwards


Popular Interest: 1932 – 1941

Shadow Photography

Wartime Strobe: 1939 – 1945

EG&G the Company: 1947 Onwards

Time Lapse Photography

Underwater Exploration: 1953 – 1986
